Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

It’s Here: Our Brand Identity Workbook

This comprehensive guide is packed with everything you need to craft a robust brand identity that resonates with your ideal audience. For only $20, there are 60+ pages with examples from the world's biggest brands.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Unvarnished Truth: The Hard Realities of Branding

Branding. It's a buzzword thrown around like confetti, often shrouded in an air of mystery and instant success. But the truth is, building a powerful brand is anything but easy. It's a marathon, not a sprint, fraught with challenges and demanding unwavering commitment. So, before you embark on this journey, let's shed light on some of the hard truths about branding that nobody likes to talk about.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Art of Harmony: Expanding Your Brand's Colour Palette

Your brand identity is a visual language, and color plays a starring role in shaping how your audience perceives you. But what if you want to add a touch more depth and personality without sacrificing the core essence of your brand? This is where the magic of a secondary color palette comes in.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Power of Simplicity: Why Design is Intelligence Made Visible

Have you ever used a product so intuitive it felt like an extension of yourself? Or admired a website so visually clean it conveyed information effortlessly? That's the magic of good design – it simplifies complexity, making our lives easier and experiences more enjoyable. In essence, design is intelligence made invisible.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Power of Social Media for Your Brand in 2024

Social media isn't just a fad – it's a dynamic marketplace buzzing with billions of potential customers. In 2024, the social media landscape remains dominated by a few key players. For brands, this translates to a treasure trove of opportunities.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Courage to Stumble: Why Brand Mistakes Can Be Your Biggest Wins

We've all heard the saying, "Have the courage to make mistakes and the resilience to learn from them." But in the brand-obsessed world, where every message feels magnified, taking risks can feel terrifying. However, the truth is, mistakes are inevitable – and for your brand, they can be a powerful springboard for growth.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Untold Superpower of Branding: The Art of Asking Questions

In the world of branding, crafting a captivating message and a stunning visual identity are crucial. But what if there's a missing piece – a secret weapon that unlocks deeper brand understanding and connection? Enter the art of asking questions. Yes, you read that right. While creating powerful visuals and messaging certainly matters, neglecting the power of inquiry can leave your brand adrift. Here's why asking the right questions is the ultimate branding superpower:

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

Finding Your Passion Project: When the Vision Pulls You

In the world of branding, it's easy to get caught up in trends, competitor analysis, and the ever-present pressure to "go viral." But true brand success comes from a deeper place – a place of passion, purpose, and a clear vision for what you want to achieve.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

Beyond Bold: Why We Embraced Subtlety in Our Mood Boards

A brand identity isn't just about loud colours and flashy graphics. In fact, a subdued colour palette can be a powerful tool that exudes sophistication and leaves a lasting impression. Here's why we're incorporated this approach into our own brand’s mood boards:

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

“Make it Simple, But Significant" in Branding

In the world of advertising, few characters hold a more iconic place than Don Draper, the enigmatic protagonist of the critically acclaimed series "Mad Men." While Draper's personal life was a whirlwind of complexity, his professional philosophy resonated with its clarity and simplicity. One of his most enduring quotes, "Make it simple, but significant," offers valuable insights applicable beyond the realm of advertising – particularly in the world of branding.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

The Soothing Sophistication of Our Studio's Colour Palette

Our studio embraces a colour palette that exudes a soothing yet sophisticated atmosphere. We've intentionally chosen muted blues, warm neutrals, and a touch of warm brown to create a space that fosters creativity and tranquility. Let's delve into the unique charm of our chosen colours and how they can inspire you to find your own brand colours.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

What is Brand Personality, and Why Does it Matter?

Imagine your brand as a person. What kind of personality would they have? Friendly and approachable? Sophisticated and confident? Playful and energetic? That's the essence of brand personality, the set of human-like characteristics you attribute to your brand.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

A Glimpse into Our Studio Portfolio

We pour our passion and expertise into crafting brand identities and strategies that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. But words can only take you so far. Today, we're thrilled to invite you on a visual journey through our portfolio, showcasing a selection of projects that exemplify our commitment to creativity, collaboration, and impact.

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Sarah Coyle Sarah Coyle

You Have the Potential to Create Beautiful Things

The simple yet powerful statement, "You have the potential to create beautiful things," holds immense weight. It's a reminder that within each of us lies the ability to contribute to the world through creativity, expression, and the pursuit of beauty. But sometimes, amidst the routine and pressures of life, that spark of creativity can get buried under self-doubt and hesitation.

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